Introducing Slack and Evernote Integrations

What if we told you, you’ll be able to synch Solid to the apps you use daily? Awesome, right?
Well, we’re thrilled to present you 2 brand new integrations to Solid today: Slack and Evernote.

Also, don’t forget to sign up to Solid’s beta if not done yet, we’re letting in new users every week.

Solid lets you take notes before and live during the meeting, and mark them as tasks, decisions and open issues.
After the meeting it’s super easy to share the minutes with all the attendees: 1 click on your end and they get a recap email.

Your meeting minutes on Solid

Sharing with others is great to know exactly who must do what and what the action plan is. But you might need to add your own tasks to the apps you use daily to get organized. Check out Evernote and Slack integrations.

Evernote Integration

You can now export your meeting minutes to any Evernote’s notebooks. Just click on “export to Evernote” when you’re on the page of a meeting in Solid, choose your notebook and… it’s done. Your minutes are automatically formatted with your tasks & decisions.

Your meeting minutes on Evernote

Slack Integration

If you & your team are using Slack you may want to share some meetings minutes to a specific #channel. It’s a great way to involve other colleagues without asking them to take part in every meeting.

Just click on “export to Slack” and choose the appropriate channel. It will automatically be published as a formatted post inside the channel.

Your meeting minutes on Slack

Don’t forget to request your Private Beta access >> just here and tell us in the “comments” box what other integrations you would be interested in.

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  • Brendan Farley

    I have been using Asana for agendas and Action tracking. Any chance that could be added to the export list?

    • aniobi

      Sure! great idea. We’re considering adding task manager support very soon.

  • mitcoivanov

    Interesting tool, I just discovered GetSolid.

  • oliverw

    Just found this looking at Slack integration. We’re just starting a new project and it would be great to get beta access.

    • aniobi

      Hi Oliver, thk’s for your comment. I just found your email in the list. Thk’s for signing up. I’ll send you an invite in a couple of days.

  • Stuart Watson

    Any new openings for the beta? I need to sign up for #Solid first :-).

    • aniobi

      Are you using Google apps to manage your calendar/meetings?

      • Stuart Watson

        No. Exchange. Office 365 is off in the distance as well.

        • aniobi

          Aïe… We’ll release Office 365 in a few days. Exchange is not supported yet.

          • Stuart Watson

            Nice. Exchange is how far off?

  • Nnalue Henry Chibuzo Dungar

    interesting tool.. Great site experience

    • Thibaut Davoult

      Hi @nnaluehenrychibuzodungar:disqus, glad you think so! We’re currently giving out invitations to the beta on a rolling basis, so you’ll have to wait a bit for yours. But in the meantime, make sure to subscribe to the blog’s newsletter to catch all the updates from the team!

  • Jacques Letesson

    Yes Asana integration would be fantastic ! Keep up the good work.

    • Thibaut Davoult

      @jacquesletesson:disqus Point taken How would you use the integration with Asana? To export the meeting’s minutes for everyone to see, or maybe another use case?

      • Jacques Letesson

        @davoult:disqus Yes and maybe export the meeting’s minutes into proprer Asana tasks.

        • Thibaut Davoult

          Indeed, that would be a good idea to explore. I’m sharing this with our product team so it’ll be discussed and considered for our roadmap. Thanks again for taking the time to help us build a better product

  • Zach Anderson

    I have been looking everywhere for a this kind of solution. Cannot wait to get beta access!

  • Edmore

    It looks great on paper I am going to try it

    • Thibaut Davoult

      Great! Let mek now how it goes. And I’ll be glad to help if you have questions.